Work experience week highlights the excitement of different industries
Monday, 16 October, 2017

It’s a common dilemma: No experience, no job; no job, no experience…  This year, Work Experience Week, Monday October 16th – Friday October 20th 2017 is becoming Work Experience Month. Fair Train, the national expert on all forms of work experience and the owner of the national Work Experience Quality Standard accreditation is celebrating work experience for a whole month by highlighting best practice and sharing inspiring stories to ensure more people benefit from this crucially important aspect of employability and personal development.

The majority of businesses say that work experience is critical when recruiting new staff, according to the British Chambers of Commerce1 . A City & Guilds survey also found that 67% of employers were more likely to hire a young person with work experience over someone with none2.

Solihull College & University Centre recognises this vital aspect of preparing students for future employment. The college works closely with local employers and organisations to provide work placements that build and develop students’ knowledge and skills needed in today’s workplace.

Jane Duncan, work experience co-ordinator at Solihull College & University Centre, said: “Work experience is invaluable in today’s competitive labour market. Not only does it improve a student’s employability, but it increases confidence, communication and interpersonal skills, as well as putting learning into practice.

“For employers, offering a work placement can be an opportunity to bring in fresh ideas and a chance to meet and inspire potential future employees. Many of our students have gone on to secure jobs as a result.”

Former students have carried out work experience in a vast array of industries, leading to successful employment opportunities.

Creative Media student, Darnell Anderson-Lloyd, was spotted during his placement at Rugby Theatre, leading to a successful audition for a role in a production of ‘One Man Two Governors’; and Computing & IT students secured permanent positions with UK-based IT outsourcing service provider, Acora Ltd, after completing work experience placements at its service operation centre in Solihull.

Hollie Dunster, the HR Executive at Acora, said: “A lot of young people are caught in the cycle where they can’t get a job due to lack of experience, but can’t get that experience in the first place. These placements provide experience and much more for the students, as well as bringing talented young people into our business.”

As part of his Level 3 IT BTEC qualification at Solihull College & University Centre, lifelong Birmingham City fan, Liam Hindley secured work experience at Birmingham City Football Club. He thought his dreams had come true when the club offered him a week-long placement at St Andrews.

“I never had a job before”, Liam said of his experience, “so, as well as learning new skills, this work placement gave me great experience in working with people. It was really positive and helpful and gave me ideas about what I would like to do in the future.”

If you are interested in offering  a work experience placement, please contact Solihull College & University Centre at: sales@solihull.ac.uk . Your involvement could be crucial to a student’s future career prospects.

Work Experience Week 2017 runs from Monday October 16th – Friday October 20th 2017 within #WEMonth2017

For further information, please visit: www.solihull.ac.uk

To find out more about Work Experience Week, visit http://www.fairtrain.org/


fire dogs with fire student