Tutors help Connor succeed
Thursday, 16 July, 2015

Solihull College student Connor Rowland has overcome many difficulties to complete his course at the College. Connor has been studying towards a Level 1 Construction course learning many different skills whilst at the College with thanks to his tutors.

Throughout his time at School Connor struggled to engage and as a result attended many different schools throughout his education. After finishing school Connor decided that he wanted to learn a trade to be able to have more career prospects for his future and as he had a keen interest in construction and mechanics Connor enrolled at the College onto a Level 1 multicraft course.

Connor explains “I saw the course as an opportunity to progress. I have an interest in construction and also mechanics and wanted to have a trade to focus on. The College has given me the skills I need and as I have completed my construction course I am now looking at the motor vehicle courses at the College to broaden my skills.”

Connor’s tutors at Solihull College have never given up on him and even when attendance was slacking they went the extra mile to ensure that Connor got his all-important qualifications. Connor’s tutor Kevin Byrne stated “Connor has turned his attendance around and has come in to College after other students have finished ensuring that he completes his course on time. Connor’s confidence has grown and his skill set has improved greatly over the course and I am really pleased that despite difficulties, he hasn’t given up.”

Whilst studying at Solihull College Connor has enjoyed learning and he likes the approach that the tutors take to teaching. Connor said “If I wasn’t at College then my tutor Kevin would phone me to make sure that I was on my way. Kevin took time out to make sure I completed the course and I thank him for that.”

For more information on courses available at Solihull College visit www.solihull.ac.uk or call 0121 678 7000.

Connor Rowland