Traineeships are the best way to prepare for apprenticeship
Monday, 16 February, 2015

Since 2010, Solihull College has more than doubled its number of apprentices; the number of young people across the region who are increasingly choosing the ‘earn as you earn’ route as they make their post 16 choices. With not only young people, but local employers seeing the value of apprenticeships, the College welcomed Business Secretary Vince Cable and Solihull MP Lorely Burt to the Blossomfield Campus this week to meet some apprentices and trainees.

Along with celebrating apprenticeships, the College, in addition to the Government is keen to promote the benefits of traineeships, which are programmes designed to ensure young people learn the right skills to move onto an apprenticeship, and employment.

While visiting the College, the Business Secretary spoke about why traineeships are so vital to those preparing for apprenticeships, Vince Cable MP comments: “A lot of young people aren’t ready for an apprenticeship, which involve a job, having some basic work experience and some English and maths. Sometimes young people need an entry route and traineeships provide that”.

The College has just completed its first successful traineeship programme with Virgin Trains and will see a high number of young people continue with the company. The College also has exciting traineeship opportunities with employers including Amadeus for catering and hospitality and in retail with Solihull toy shop, The Entertainer.

John Callaghan, Solihull College Principal and Chief Executive comments: “We are really pleased with the success of apprenticeships and now we need to embrace traineeships. They provide a helpful and well-rounded experience for a school leaver on the personal and professional attributes people need to succeed in adult life. They are shorter in length than an apprenticeship and on successful completion young people should have the correct skills to progress an apprenticeship”.

To find out more about the range of apprenticeships and traineeships offered at Solihull College please visit www.solihull.ac.uk/apprenticeship and The National Apprenticeship Service http://nas.apprenticeships.org.uk/

Photo: Solihull College Principal, John Callaghan with Business Secretary, Vince Cable

Principal John Callaghan & Vince Cable