Study Event Management at Solihull College & University Centre
Tuesday, 18 April, 2017

Solihull College & University Centre will be offering a level 3 BTEC Certificate in The Principles of Event Management from this September.

In 2016 the College began offering students the chance to study a level 2 qualification in Event Planning and due to the popularity of the course the College will now be extending their offer to include a level 3 course.

The level 3 BTEC will give young people who want to work within the area of event venues, event organisation or event exhibition, the opportunity to not only achieve a recognised qualification but to gain all important work experience in the events sector.

Students will study a variety of topics including understanding how to research and report information to plan and organise an event; operational event planning; health, safety and security at event sites; event setup and breakdown; managing the running of an event; event evaluation and reporting; and working relationships in the events industry.

The budding event planners will work on different tasks throughout their studies and a variety of assessment methods will be used throughout including presentations, case studies, assignments, reports, peer assessments, witness testimonies and practical sessions. As part of their qualification, students will be tasked with completing a 30 hour work experience placement.

Many of the current level 2 Event Planning students at the College, who will be looking to progress to the level 3 course in September, have benefitted from work experience with many working at Solihull Council, St John’s Hotel and Help Harry Help Other’s to name a few. Solihull College & University Centre has developed a number of links with local employers to be able to offer its students fantastic work experience opportunities within the region.

Find out more about Solihull College & University Centre’s Event Planning courses.


Event Planning students