A new and innovative digital badging platform has recently been launched at Solihull College & University Centre.
Through the use of ‘Badgr’, the College will offer students an efficient way to demonstrate the experience, skills and achievements that they have gained during their time at college.

Students have been scanning the QR code to set up their digital backpacks!
The College will be awarding badges for the demonstration great attendance and punctuality, effort and determination, developing digital skills, completing industry placements and much more.
Students are currently setting up their digital backpacks by searching for the elusive badger (a plush mascot made from 100% post-consumer materials) on each campus & scanning the QR code to achieve their first digital badge!
Head of Learning Technologies, Open Access & Library Services, Emma Ball, comments: “We are excited to have launched this platform to support us in encouraging students to aim high and to prioritise their skills development. Students will be able to use Badgr to record and showcase their skills and achievements in an engaging and creative way. The College has many fantastic existing skills development projects, and through Badgr we aim to bring together the benefits of these to help students to communicate their strengths and successes to employers.”
The Learning Technologies team have been hiding Badgr across the campuses
A total of 2,445 Great Attendance badges and 2,090 Great Punctuality badges will be awarded to students this week for the Autumn term. Students will also be awarded badges for Work Experience, Personal Development, and Student Voice and Enrichment activity over the coming weeks.
Students can display their badges on LinkedIn, social media, or their e-portfolios to celebrate their development and evidence their skills and qualities to employers and other education providers.
To see all of the badges the College is currently offering, visit our Badgr Organisation Page.