Students have game industry impact

22nd June 2020

Games Design & VR degree students at Solihull College & University Centre are already making an impact in the industry after releasing prototype games designed and built as part of their course.

As the COVID-19 crisis hit, students on the degree were entering their final module of the year. The module tasked students with working in small groups to pool all the skills they had learnt in programming, games design, 3D modelling and more to create and release a game. The third-year students even had to prepare finance pitches with the aim to get their games released and downloaded.

The challenge was set for them to work completely remotely just like many of the region’s companies. Supported by their tutors and fellow students, each group produced a working prototype of a game in just six weeks. Most groups then chose to release their games onto Itch.IO, a popular game storefront for free downloads.

Simon Hunt, Course Leader for BSc Games Design & VR said: “This programme has taught students to appreciate and respect all the work put into games and digital apps and how to create and engage both industry and the general public with exciting new ideas and concepts. The games have been downloaded hundreds of times in just a short period of time. We are very proud of the students.”

Take a look at the trailers below.

Space Racers by James, Shaan and Adam

Store page –

Back To You by Cory, Nathaniel, Aidan and Ben

Store page-

Monster Rampage by Thomas, Jesse, Dylan and Luke

Store page –

Find out more about the College's Computing & Emerging Technologies courses: Computing & Emerging Technologies