Students give Packwood House its voice back this Christmas
Friday, 15 December, 2017

This festive season, creative film production students from Solihull College & University Centre assisted Packwood House with an immersive Christmas display.

The students set the stage for Packwood House’s last private owner Graham Baron Ash’s reimagined Christmas party. Guest books reveal many guests visiting Baron Ash over Christmas throughout his time at Packwood. Inspired by this, the students created a Christmas soundscape throughout the downstairs rooms to bring visitors closer to Baron Ash as he entertains his guests. Using audio, sound effects, soundscapes and voiceovers the students created a fully immersive festive experience.

10 students completed the installation in early December ready for the public to visit. Visitors can explore the house and guest book and listen in as guests enjoy some festive cheer. Listening closely, visitors can hear and join in the celebration in some rooms and take comfort in the quiet retreat of other quieter spaces. The students used the experience as part of a module on their course and were assessed on it accordingly.

Bringing the beautiful house to life this Christmas was a truly collaborative effort.  Emma Dwan O’Reilly, Visitor Experience Manager at Packwood stated; ‘National Trust Packwood were delighted to collaborate with media students from Solihull College & University Centre this Christmas. The students were very professional and imaginative in their approach to Christmas at Packwood. They brought a fresh perspective to how we are telling our stories and were wonderful to work with. We hope our visitors over the Christmas period enjoy the immersive festive soundscape as much as we do’.

 Students and their families were treated to a private tour with the staff opening the house just for the students and their families so they could experience the soundscape in an exclusive visit.

If you would like to visit the immersive installation head to Packwood House this festive season to hear the student’s work visit https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/packwood-house.

Find out more about Solihull College & University Centre’s Media courses.
