Solihull students donate Easter eggs to hospital
Monday, 10 April, 2017

Students at Solihull College & University Centre have recently volunteered their time to raise money and donate Easter eggs to children who are currently in hospital.

Amraj Kaur, Martina Burton, Amy Hanaphy and Tia Brown are all currently studying towards their Access to Higher Education in Social Sciences and Humanities at the College and decided that, with the help of the College’s student enrichment team, they wanted to something good for their community. Amraj commented “We had gotten into a conversation about disadvantaged citizens and suggested that it would be a good idea if we could organise something for Easter. It was then that I decided to contact Heartlands Hospital and see if they would allow us to deliver Eggs for the children at the Hospital.”

The students contacted the hospital to see how they could put their plans into action and after speaking with the Hospital’s Charity Officer, Samantha Howell they decided that they would call on the help of staff and students at the College. The student enrichment team assisted the students in designing posters which they then distributed around the College campus encouraging everyone to either donate an Easter egg or to make a cash donation.

Their campaign was extremely popular as Amraj, Tia, Amy and Martina collected over 100 Easter eggs and raised over £60 in donations.

On Thursday 6th April the students from the College and the student enrichment team visited Heartlands Hospital and distributed to the Easter eggs to both the Children’s wards and the Dementia wards.

Amraj commented on the day “The day itself was successful and we managed to deliver eggs to the children, staff and the elderly. Everyone was extremely pleased and impressed that we had taken the time out to put a smile on the patient’s faces. It felt rewarding to be able to brighten someone else’s day and provide company for people.”

The students are hoping to use their Access to Higher Education course to gain knowledge on Psychology, History and Social Policy, which are all modules on the course, as they have future aspirations to help others within their careers.

Find out more about Solihull College & University Centre’s Social Sciences courses.

Solihull College students donate Easter Eggs to Heartlands Hospital