Solihull students delighted to graduate after Covid delay

22nd October 2021

University level students from Solihull College & University Centre were delighted to graduate this week, with many having waited over a year for the ceremony to take place due to pandemic disruption.

The classes of 2020 and 2021 were joined at the National Motorcycle Museum in Solihull by their friends and family. Traditionally an evening event, this year, to accommodate the number of graduates and to allow for some social distancing, three ceremonies took place throughout the day.

Lindsey Stewart, Acting Principal at the College, as part of her speech to graduates, discussed the incredible challenges they had faced.

She commented: “You have lived through unprecedented times, and you have all succeeded in achieving your goals. I can only imagine how tough this has been for you, but you must be proud of your resilience and determination that have led to this.”

Graduates enjoyed their day at the National Motorcycle Museum

Lindsey thanked the families and friends in attendance for the support they had shown in helping loved ones achieve their qualification, as well as the College’s teaching staff for adapting so well to the tough circumstances.

Barbara Hughes, the College’s Chair of Governors, handed out a number of special awards to students who had overcome a variety of obstacles to achieve their qualifications, all of whom received rousing rounds of applause.

Barbara concluded the ceremony, saying “We are so proud of you – especially today. Wherever your lives and careers take you, you will always have this moment and will be able to reflect ‘you did it’ and as a result you can face anything. We wish you every success in the future from everyone in your College family.”

Find out more about the College’s University Level courses: University Level courses