Soaring success rate among unemployed at College
Tuesday, 11 November, 2014

An increasing number of unemployed people from across Solihull and Birmingham who are coming to Solihull College to improve their numeracy and literacy skills are passing with flying colours. The Work-Ready courses run at the College, in partnership with JobCentre Plus, have seen an increase in success rates for both maths and English courses since last year. The five-week courses cover various industry sectors, including numeracy and literacy skills, and provide unemployed people with the skills, confidence and qualifications to re-enter the world of work.

It has been revealed that 86pc of unemployed people who undertake the five-week Work-Ready maths and/or English four week course successfully pass; this is a 4pc rise on last academic year’s success rates. Sarah McDonald, Head of School for Adult Functional Skills at Solihull College comments: “We are really proud of what we can offer adult learners at the College who want to improve their skills, more people are now faced with trying to find a job and finding they don’t have some of the underpinning skills. Therefore to see these learners come through and to pass is an achievement for the College and even more so when these learners either continue their learning with us or secure a job”.

All students who undertake a Work-Ready maths or English course must also complete Functional Skills maths and English; this being part of the College’s commitment for all learners to leave with an improved level of numeracy and literacy skills required by employers.

53-year-old Cecilia Bailey from Sparkbrook, Birmingham recently completed both Work Ready maths and English at Solihull College, she comments: “??I wanted to improve my maths and English, and maths was my biggest obstacle. The teaching at Solihull was excellent, with two tutors for each subject, plus teaching support meant I had 6 chances of obtaining a good grasp of both subjects. Understanding maths has given me a sense of freedom within my life, allowing me to not be afraid because now that I faced the maths, I can face anything in my life”?.

An increasing number of unemployed people from across Solihull and Birmingham who are coming to Solihull College to improve their numeracy and literacy skills are passing with flying colours. The Work-Ready courses run at the College, in partnership with JobCentre Plus, have seen an increase in success rates for both maths and English courses since last year. The five-week courses cover various industry sectors, including numeracy and literacy skills, and provide unemployed people with the skills, confidence and qualifications to re-enter the world of work.

To find out more about Solihull College’s Work-Ready courses for the unemployed and Functional Skills please visit www.solihull.ac.uk/ free courses or call 0121 678 7000.