A Psychology, Criminology and Law student at Solihull College & University Centre has been empowered by her course to develop an important campaign and make positive change in society.
Sasha Georgieva, 16 from Birmingham, is in her first year at the College, and after being elected as Women’s Officer on the Student Executive Committee, has put her learning to practice by raising awareness around the topic of Public Sexual Harassment.
Sasha first became interested in Psychology at school and that interest further developed as she mentored students in lower years. After hearing about the College’s excellent reputation, she decided it was the place she wanted to take her next steps: “The College has a wonderful community around it and I liked what I had heard, the course was perfect, so I decided to apply.”

After studying a unit on her course which detailed how to plan a campaign for change, Sasha felt inspired and worked with Student EDI & Enrichment Coordinator, Grace Wynne Willson, to launch her campaign.
Sasha explains: “Public sexual harassment (PSH) has been and still is a very big issue in the UK, within our society, professional lives and even our education system. I believe that changing our society starts in schools, colleges and universities, and this is why I have chosen to campaign against PSH and hope to spread awareness, educate and make a difference. It is also one of the reasons that I nominated myself for the Women’s Officer role.”
Sasha’s first project for her campaign saw her delivering a workshop on PSH to fellow student representatives as part of the Students for Change rep conference in November 2021. The workshop aimed to educate students on what PSH is, who it affects and how we can tackle it as a society. She then organised and delivered an event with her peers for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
Psychology Lecturer, Emily Gater, comments: “I am very impressed with Sasha’s drive and ability to throw herself into anything that she holds with high value. Sasha is very active around the college and is very passionate, which is amazing to see.”
Next in her campaign, Sasha is looking forward to training both staff and students across the College campuses and is currently busy developing resources to undertake this responsibility.