Fast-Track College iGCSE for adult learners
Thursday, 18 December, 2014

Following the success of the pilot earlier this year with Oxford Brookes University, Solihull College is bringing back the iGCSE English course for adult learners in January which is now accepting applications.

Designed to give learners the skills required to progress onto university, the twelve-week fast track part-time course is run at the College’s Blossomfield Campus

The Oxford Brookes iGCSE English Language at the College is accepted by local universities as an equivalent to GCSE English, it helped a pilot group last year progress into higher education, including 47-year-old mum Romilly Joyce.
After being made redundant, she knew it was now or never to pursue her dream career as a midwife, Romilly successfully completed the iGSCE with flying colours: she comments: “So many people have dreams and put them away but it feels amazing that I am now pursuing my ambition to become a midwife. Now that I have achieved a grade A, the skies the limit and I can’t wait to get started”.

Due to the fast-track nature of the course, students are given homework on a weekly basis, which was well received by the fifteen students who completed the pilot. Sue McGregor is Head of Curriculum at Solihull College, she comments: “??For adult learners who are looking to return to full-time education from September 2015, this iGCSE run in conjunction with Oxford Brookes University is an ideal opportunity to be fast-tracked. The pilot earlier this year went very well and we have received high interest to run it again in 2015”.

To find out more about the iGSCE English Language being run from January 2015 at the College please call 0121 678 7000 or email enquiries@solihull.ac.uk