Policing and public services students from Solihull College & University Centre recently took part in a police carousel role-play exercise to prepare them for the police application process.
For HNC Policing student Sophie Hooper the experience was particularly useful as the Birmingham based 19-year-old will soon be taking part in a police assessment day.
Sophie studied on a Level 3 Public Services course at the College before progressing onto the HNC in Policing last summer. She will visit the assessment centre and will face role-play situations similar to those replicated on campus.
Students faced a variety of scenarios under timed conditions whilst playing the part of a Police Officer. The situations included a domestic dispute, a mental health breakdown and a child abduction. Level 3 Public Services students also took part as actors. A 360-degree video of the carousel was also created so students could watch their responses back.
Policing and Public Services Lecturer Dan Darby stated: “As a college we are trying to mirror the process within the police as closely as possible for our HNC students. It is also a good opportunity to show level 3 students what the process is like by including them as actors.”
Fellow lecturer and course lead Stefan Bird added: “Role-playing triggers lots of thought and builds confidence in a controlled setting. You can’t get this kind of experience from a text book.”
Sophie started the application process for the police last April. After the assessment day in which she will need to take an English and maths test, she then has to undertake a medical test, a fitness test and provide references. She will soon find out if she has got through to the next phase.
Sophie has enjoyed her time at the College and praises her tutors’ expertise: “The tutors have got inside knowledge as both of them are ex police officers. The groups at college were small and I work much better in an intimate setting. I wouldn’t have had the opportunities I had at the College anywhere else.”
Sophie hopes to go on to work in Criminal Investigation Department. She comments: “I think the event today has been a great idea. Role-playing these real-world situations can help us to learn how to take control, diffuse situations and prepare ourselves for future roles. I know it has prepared me for mine.”
UPDATE: Sophie was successful in her interview and was offered a job with the police.