Student Oliver is excelling on a Higher Apprenticeship in Advanced Manufacturing with Solihull College & University Centre.
Oliver Stratford’s interest in engineering began when carrying out work experience. After work experience at his father’s engineering company sparked an interest in the subject Oliver left sixth form and went straight into an apprenticeship with company Freeman and Pardoe Ltd, who manufacture their own product door closers and door hardware. Noting the need to attract young talent to nurture in the company, they decided to send Oliver on the apprenticeship programme.
At work Oliver is involved in multiple areas of the business. He currently works on machine setting, product development, design and market research. The programme sees him spend one day a week at college and four days at work.
Oliver has only positive comments about apprenticeships ‘If you can find something you enjoy and can earn and study at the same time, apprenticeships can be great. They also give you access to other jobs too’. Getting into employment earlier is highly beneficial for apprentices as it means potential for quicker progression on a chosen career path.
Within his job Oliver can apply what he learns to college and vice versa. One of the modules on his apprenticeship was in management and it is this area Oliver hopes to end up in in the future. ‘My employers have given me more responsibility and trust as I have continued with my studies’ he states. ‘The tutors have been really knowledgeable and an apprenticeship has definitely been the right route for me.’
Oliver’s 3 year apprenticeship finishes in August and the 20 year old hopes to go on to study to degree level.