High Flyer Student Emily jets off to San Diego
Tuesday, 19 May, 2015

Solihull College student Emily Collingwood has completed her 6-week induction training with British Airways to be a qualified Cabin Crew member. Emily studied Level 2 Cabin Crew with Level 3 Aviation at Solihull College.

Emily was originally studying Nursing at University and decided this wasn’t the right career for her and joined Solihull College in September 2014 to start her course and follow her aspirations to become a Cabin Crew member. Emily was focused on working for British Airways (BA), the UK’s largest airline and through Solihull College had the opportunity to visit BA in January. Emily was able to complete Safety and Emergency Procedures training as well as learning how to deliver a baby on board and CPR, she was also able to meet with members of BA cabin crew to gain an insight into life as a British Airways Cabin Crew member.

The next step for Emily was to attend the 6-week induction training to be able to qualify to work with British Airways. The training is an intense and strict programme and meant that Emily relocated to Banbury to ensure that she could give maximum commitment to ensure her success.

After completing the induction training Emily was accepted to become a member of the British Airways Cabin Crew, celebrating her success by attending her wings ceremony.

Emily visited Solihull College in her new British Airways uniform to share her success with her tutors and spoke to the Level 3 students who are progressing onto the course next year. Emily told her tutors that the course at Solihull College gave her the opportunities she needed which put her at an advantage whilst completing the induction for British Airways.

Emily now has her wings and her first flight was to San Diego on 10th May, which will be followed by flights to Capetown, Johannesburg, Abu Dhabi and Muscat. Principal John Callaghan commented: “This a great achievement for Emily and everyone at Solihull College would like to congratulate her on the success of completing the British Airways induction programme. We would all like to wish Emily luck for her future career with British Airways.”

Solihull College offers people the chance to train to become a cabin crew member, if you would like more information on the courses available please contact Solihull College on 0121 678 7000 or visit www.solihull.ac.uk/courses