GCSE success for college students

19th September 2023

Students from Solihull College & University Centre have been celebrating after achieving good results in their English and Maths GCSEs.

Some school leavers retake their GCSE English and/or Maths alongside their main college course if they did not achieve a grade 4 or above at school. Adults can also study for their GCSEs at the College if they need a higher grade to achieve career progression or access to a course.

Jacob Kelly, who has been home schooled most of his life, is now one step closer to taking a psychology degree and becoming a professional therapist.

picture of student Jacob Kelly
Jacob Kelly

Jacob was surprised to find college wasn’t as intimidating as he first thought: “Studying isn’t easy, but with determination and help from my tutors and parents I managed to get through it. The best part of spending time at college was seeing my tutors, they were all great!”

Jacob studied BTEC Level 2 Applied Science, along with English and Maths GCSEs and has now moved on to the Level 3 Psychology, Criminology and Law course, from which he hopes to progress to university.

Adult student Qudsia Iram has taken a big step to her dream of becoming a qualified teacher after passing her Maths and English GCSEs. Qudsia is currently a Qualified Teaching Assistant and was working towards a higher level but needed her GCSEs to progress.

She credits the College for helping her get through her exams: “The best thing about studying at Solihull is that it’s safe and sound and staff members were exceptionally supportive and helpful – I want to express my gratitude for them helping me achieve good grades.”

Find out more about the College's courses GCSE English & Maths