Adults in Solihull can now benefit from free maths tuition at Solihull College & University Centre thanks to a new scheme called Multiply.
Multiply is a free programme to help local people with maths if they haven’t already achieved a Grade C at GCSE or equivalent. Eligible?students can receive one-on-one or small group tuition at a pace that suits them.
The Government funded programme, funded by the West Midlands Combined Authority, aims to make maths more relevant to everyday life – things like working out how much to spend on a weekly shop, budgeting for a council tax bill or even just being able to help children with their algebra homework.

Following the tuition, if they wish, students can take their maths to another level with a range of accredited courses offered at the College such as GCSE or Functional Skills Maths. These qualifications can help unlock job opportunities and career progression or even lead to higher wages.
Student Zoe Borton has already been benefitting from the Multiply programme to give her confidence ahead of taking her Maths Functional Skills exam. She comments: “I needed this maths qualification to help me achieve a career I’ve always longed for with West Midlands Ambulance Service. Multiply has helped me enormously – being able to have one-on-one time has helped me understand where I’m going wrong. I would highly recommend Multiply to anyone who’s feeling they need that extra push. I haven’t looked back!”
Maths Tutor, Simon Homer, comments: “It’s never too late to learn. Some people are embarrassed or anxious about their maths skills if they didn’t do well at school. Multiply is a great way of gaining more confidence when it comes to improving numeracy. We’re also hoping it will unlock doors for many adults to improve their career opportunities.”
Zoe has now achieved her GCSE equivalent grade by recently passing her Maths Functional Skills Level 2 exam thanks to the extra support offered via Multiply. Congratulations Zoe – we look forward to seeing how your career in the ambulance service progresses!
Multiply is open to anyone who is 19 or over, who hasn’t yet achieved a GCSE pass (Grade C+ or equivalent), are in employment, and either living or working in the Solihull Borough. For more information and to register your interest, please complete or email