Former Sport students create unique smartphone app
Thursday, 29 January, 2015

Two former Solihull College students have launched a unique smartphone app as part of their ’12 Week Body Transformation’ weight management business.

Chris Murray and Stuart Lunn studied BTEC Sport Science at the College. After becoming firm friends due to their love of the gym, the pair progressed to the University of Derby to study a BA Sports Studies degree. Following graduation both became personal trainers, ultimately teaming up to create the ’12 Week Body Transformation’weight management business in Birmingham.

The Body Transformation smartphone app was developed as a way of bridging the gap between face-to-face sessions. Chris explains: “With greater demands of work and family life, it is becoming increasingly difficult for clients to reach their desired goals. The purpose of the app is to keep a food, exercise and weight diary. Each client is designated as a trainer who will have access to the diary and can monitor and provide instant support when necessary”?.

The aim is to integrate the app-supported service into the NHS and the pair are currently in talks with leading universities to acquire funding to take the project forward. Meanwhile, the business has already employed 4 further members of staff, with plans to increase both staff numbers and area coverage across the Midlands in the coming months.

Solihull College had a huge effect on the future ambitions of both Chris and Stuart. Chris comments: “I had a fantastic time at College. In many ways, I found my time at the College to be more effective in terms of my learning than university. The teachers I had and the in-depth care they offered made me feel truly supported throughout”?

Phil Trilloe, Head of Sport at the College, comments: “It’s great to see students progressing from their course with the entrepreneurial spirit to make a career out of what they love. We congratulate Chris and Stuart and wish them all the best for the future of their business”?.

To find more about the Sports courses offered by the College please visit www.solihull.ac.uk/courses, or discover more about Chris and Stuart’s business at www.bodytransformation.co.uk

Chris Murray and Stuart Lunn BTEC Sport Science