Flight simulator added to College’s world class aerospace facilities
Wednesday, 20 April, 2016

Solihull College & University Centre has recently received delivery of a 737 flight simulator to add to the College’s superb Centre for Advanced Aeronautical provision.

The flight simulator, part-funded by the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), is a replica from a Boeing 737-800 NG aircraft. The aircraft is part of the £2 million investment in the Centre and allows students to get a real experience of how a large commercial aircraft is operated.

The students are able to take what they have already learnt in the classroom via tutor-led explanations, videos, models and illustrations to the simulator to put their knowledge to practice. Students are taught about Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines as a part of their qualification in Aerospace Engineering where they learn the various components of the engine and how they function. Previously students have relied on watching videos and inspecting components of an engine, however, thanks to the brand new flight simulator students can now simulate a real engine start as well.

Learning skills such as these, students will have the necessary knowledge to progress within the industry in a variety of roles including as an aircraft engineer.

Aerospace Lecturer at Solihull College & University Centre, Salman Javed comments: “The simulator, together with the recently acquired Jetstream 200 aircraft, the ALF502 Turbo-Fan Engines and other latest industry-grade tools and test equipment, the College’s students can learn in one of the country’s best Aerospace facilities. These resources reinforce the learning and understanding that takes place in the classroom. They provide our students with practical experience which will make them stand out when they approach the industry”.

Solihull College & University Centre’s Woodlands Campus is open to visitors on Saturday 23rd April for a family open day where everyone is welcome. Visitors can visit the aircraft and try their hand at being a pilot by sitting in the aircraft simulator.

Engineering students in flight simulator