Event Planning student thrives at conference work experience

5th June 2020

An Event Planning student from Solihull College & University Centre has attended the AOC conference to complete valuable work experience.

Joshua Charnley, 16, studies on a Level 2 Event Planning course at the College. Students are required to complete a minimum of 30 hours work experience as part of their course, so when the opportunity to work at a prestigious conference came up, Josh jumped at the chance.

The event took place at the ICC in Birmingham and was challenging, hard work and fast paced. Josh took on the role as hall manager. His responsibilities included making sure the chairmen and chairwomen, presenters and attendees were all ready before sessions took place. Josh had the added responsibility for the ICC’s Hall 9 which is one of the largest event halls in the building.

Josh spent two full days at the conference with another member of his course. He commented: “We didn’t want to leave, we loved every second of it. The staff and Event Managers were so helpful and made us feel welcome. The work experience made me realise that the work we do in the classroom is so important and relevant if you want to operate and plan a successful event. Having work experience related to my subject has really made me think of my course differently and made me understand the real-life aspects of the course”.

Josh hopes to work in a career in hospitality and highly recommends the Event Planning course at the College: “It is beneficial for anyone who wants to gain important life skills like customer service, communication, organisation and much more. I recommend this course for people who would like to gain the skills that an event planner needs as this course provides it all.”

Joshua Charnley at the event in a suit
Find out more about the College's Event Planning courses: Event Planning