Degree success at Solihull College
Tuesday, 21 July, 2015

Solihull College and University Centre has seen excellent results from its University Level Learners. Those who have studied towards their degree qualifications in partnership with Oxford Brookes have been awarded their final results. Students across a variation of courses have all received outstanding results.

11 students at the College achieved a first class honours, 56 students gained a second class honours with 9 students achieving a third class honours across subjects including early years, business and management, fine art, animal behaviour and welfare and sports science.

The achievements from all students are fantastic and Solihull College and the students are both very pleased with their results. Amelia Gallini who gained a first class honours in business and management commented “I was absolutely over the moon with my degree result; to get a first class honours whilst in full time employment was such a big achievement.”

Many of the students at Solihull College chose to study at the college part-time whilst working, in order to live at home whilst gaining their qualifications and avoid the large amount of debt from other universities. Amelia also stated “the tutors were fantastic throughout the whole process. They all gave 110% into their preparation and teaching. They fully supported us all and pushed us to achieve our best. They could provide an individual personal approach to teaching, which I know would never happen at a large university.” Nadia Davies, who gained a first class honours, agreed with Amelia commenting “the effort and hard work that I applied was matched equally by the teaching team at Solihull College whose expertise, commitment and encouragement enabled me to reach my potential. I have already begun to pursue new development opportunities and am very excited about what the future holds.”

Mature student Michael Kendrew, who achieved a 2:1 classification in Business, spoke of his achievements at Solihull College “As a mature student entering a classroom full of students who were half my age, the experience was a little daunting at first. However, after getting to know the group and lecturers I quickly fell into step with the routine. I would say I’m both very proud of my achievement on getting my degree and overcoming any prejudices I thought may exist due to being much older.”

Solihull College caters for adult learners and many classes are scheduled on an evening in order to allow learners who work full time to benefit fully. Ella Pugh who also achieved a first class honours in business was able to take advantage of the evening classes “after three and a half years completing my degree at evening classes alongside working full time I was shocked and thrilled to have achieved a first class BA Hons degree, something I never dreamed was within reach. However, the fantastic support from the college and exceptional teaching it was a dream which came true.”

The first class honours degrees were achieved by students in early years, business and management, fine art and animal behaviour and welfare. Students are now following their aspirations into their career paths as well as many students going on to complete their Masters in their respective subjects.

Congratulations to all students who achieved with their results. The college is expecting further success shortly as more students receive their degree results over the summer.

For more information on University Level learning at Solihull College please visit www.solihull.ac.uk/become a university level learner or call 0121 678 7000.