Daniel finishes top of the class in Birmingham Law Society competition
Tuesday, 2 February, 2016

HND Graphics student Daniel Pickerill from Solihull College & University Centre recently took part in the Birmingham Law Society’s logo redesign competition with many of his peers.

The competition, which was hotly contested, asked those in further or higher education in Greater Birmingham and the Solihull areas to redesign the current Birmingham Law Society logo which had been in place since the 1800’s. The society is the largest local law society in the UK outside London and wanted a fresh logo that they could use across different media platforms.

The new design was required to reflect the local area and its lawyers, stand out amongst others and be easily identifiable as well as being a simple design with the use of a maximum of 3 colours. It was a difficult task to incorporate all of the criteria into the logo; however, Daniel used his knowledge and expertise on corporate identity and branding, learnt through his HND Graphics course to complete the task.

To make his design stand out Daniel incorporated a shield with pillars inspired by the Town Hall within his design to keep the tradition of Birmingham Law Society and to add a modern twist. As well as this, although not mandatory, Daniel submitted an explanation of his design which aided his entry even further.

The winning entry was selected by a panel of senior members of the local legal and business community and will be used as the Birmingham Law Society’s logo on their website, in literature and on publicity materials going forward.

After facing tough competition from many students around the region Daniel was announced as the winner of the competition. Daniel commented:

“I was really happy to have won. I didn’t expect to win but I wouldn’t have submitted my work if I didn’t think it was right and I wouldn’t have had a chance. What the competition will do for my portfolio is the most important prize.

“I plan to complete my 2nd year of the HND before progressing on to complete my BA Honours. I then want to become a creative designer at a design agency.”

Daniel receives a £150 prize, will be interviewed for the monthly magazine as well being invited to the Birmingham Law Society’s annual Legal Awards Dinner in April where he will be presented with a certificate of recognition. This is an excellent achievement for Daniel as he will be able to use his success within his portfolio and it will put him at a great advantage when he looks for employment.

Mushtaq Khan, President of the Birmingham Law Society commented:

“We were incredibly pleased with the level of interest as we aimed to give the local talent a role within the society. It was a tough competition; we felt that Daniel’s was the worthy best entry.

Daniel clearly understood the brief, as was evident by his design and explanatory note.

“Daniel can be proud of not only winning this competition but also of the fact that his design will now be Birmingham Law Society’s new logo.   I would like to thank Daniel, his tutor Ziggy and Solihull College for the time and thought put into the competition.”

Daniel’s tutor at Solihull College & University Centre Ziggy Tashi commented:

“Everyone at Solihull College & University Centre is very proud of Daniel and his achievements. He is not only a very talented designer but also a really nice guy.”

Daniel’s achievements only adds to the awards won by students attending Solihull College & University Centre as previously awards including the Starpack design awards, have been won by the College’s students.

The Birmingham Law Society hopes to be able to work with the students of Solihull College again in the future for upcoming projects.

For more information on courses available at Solihull College & University Centre, including Graphic Design, please visit visit the courses page or call 0121 678 7000.

Daniel Pickerill - HND Graphic Student