Computing students reap benefits of work experience
Tuesday, 14 February, 2017

Computing students at Solihull College & University Centre have taken advantage of a work experience opportunity given to them by Make Progress Ltd.

Make Progress Ltd is a unique online and hardcopy directory promoting hobbies and activities to all individuals. From Archery lessons to driving lessons, individuals can find their next challenge with Make Progress Ltd.

Level 1 IT students at the College were asked to carry out a full intensive workshop day to work on a number of tasks as part of their work experience. Tasks included: creating and developing a business; using HTML to develop a website; creating a website using wix.com; and working on a live website www.makeprogress.co.uk.

Students worked hard throughout the workshop and were able to enjoy the opportunity. They used skills taught on their course to be able to complete the tasks to a high standard.

Ryan Beale, student, commented “I have really enjoyed working on HTML for the project. It was my second time doing some work experience and my first opportunity to complete some which was IT based. I would recommend this work experience to other level 1 IT students as it is a very good starting position for web design and coding.”

Gul Zaman added “Work experience with Make Progress was really interesting and really educational; it made me want to interact with more contractors. I was already thinking of apprenticeships but this has made me think more about it. I think all students should take advantage of these opportunities, which are a great benefit to students. I was very pleased with what I learned and would want other students to experience the same.”

Find out more about Solihull College & University Centre’s Computing & Emerging Technologies courses.

Computing students