College’s Performing Arts students look towards bright future
Monday, 23 May, 2016

Performing Arts students at Solihull College & University Centre have excelled within their course and are now set to progress on their career journeys within the industry, with many students securing their place at university for September.

Students who have studied dance throughout their time at the College are all looking forward to their next venture after completing their qualification. The young dancers have great ambitions for the future and will be ensuring they reach them by either attending university to study towards a BA Honours in Dance or attend a stage school to study Musical Theatre.

Charlotte Perkins, who has secured her place to study Dance at the University of South Wales commented “I never knew I would be able to make a career out of dance. I’ve found out a lot career wise whilst studying at the College and the course has opened a lot of doors for me.”

Fellow student Amy Wheeler, who will be attending stage school in Blackpool to specialise in musical theatre, added “You learn lots of different styles such as aerial and we covered singing, something I had never tried before and now I will be doing musical theatre at stage school; I never thought I would go to stage school.”

The dancers at the College have been working towards their annual DanceFest show to showcase the skills they have learnt whilst at Solihull College & University Centre. The students have not only been able to have input into their routines but also everything that goes into producing the show including lighting, music and costume; all of the students agreed putting on performances such as DanceFest has prepared them for when they leave college and has ensured have professional experience within the industry.

As well as the success with the dance students at the College their peers who wish to focus on acting as their career, have shone as star students whilst completing their performing arts course. Many of the students have secured their place at universities such as De Montfort University, Coventry University, Wolverhampton University and University of Derby to study a range of degrees including Performing Arts, Musical Theatre and Theatre and Professional Practice. Other students will be adding to their portfolio as they have secured places with acting coaches at local theatres such as The REP Theatre in Birmingham.

Charlie Georgio commented “The performing arts course at the College allows me to apply my acting skills and as we cover a number of genres, makes me more versatile and to expand my talents. The course has also allowed me to grow in confidence.” This was echoed by many other students across the performing arts course as they state the course has developed their confidence greatly and prepared them for a future in the acting industry.

The performing arts course at Solihull College & University Centre has proven to be a great success for students wishing to progress either into higher education or directly into the industry and the students will be putting on a performance of Cabaret next month.

For information on the performances by the students or the courses available at Solihull College & University Centre visit courses page or call 0121 678 7000.

Dance students at Solihull College & University Centre