College secures victory for 3rd year
Thursday, 10 September, 2015

Solihull College & University Centre’s carpentry students have again secured victory in the Institute of Carpentry competition for the third year in a row.

The students received the results recently which stated they had achieved 1st and 2nd place in the West Midlands regional competition for the under 20 category. Students Alex Fear, 1st place and Jon Smith, 2nd place said they were extremely pleased with the results.

Solihull College & University Centre has achieved this result of 1st and 2nd place in the under 20 category for the past 3 years and has also achieved 1st place in the over 20’s category for the past 2 years with Reece Haskew of Solihull College securing victory this year.

Students Alex and Jon began their level 1 bench joinery diploma last year at Solihull College & University Centre’s Woodlands Campus and were then entered into the competition by their tutor Arron Ward.

Arron put on extra classes out of his own time to ensure the students were given the appropriate help and guidance to do well in the competition. He commented “Solihull College is supportive of the competitions we enter such as the Institute of Carpentry competition and it is important to have that extra teaching time to ensure our students have the necessary skills to achieve. We are really proud of our students for doing so well in the regional competition and we are now going to look to push towards achieving results at a national level.”

The task at this year’s competition was to create a kitchen unit front with a functioning door and false drawer. Jon commented “it was difficult at first but with Arron’s expertise and knowledge it began to become easier.”

On receiving the news of their success Alex commented “I was very shocked that I had been awarded first place but I was really happy with the outcome. It was difficult at first but with practice and the help of the tutors it became more natural.”

Both Alex and Jon are now completing their level 2 diploma in site carpentry at Solihull College & University Centre and are hoping to compete in more competitions this academic year.

For more information on the courses available call 0121 678 7000 or visit our courses page.

Carpentry Students