Community cookery students from Solihull College & University Centre have been benefitting from courses encouraging local people to get healthy while keeping an eye on the budget.
With cost-of-living increases taking their toll on everyone, learning how to create healthy meals on a budget has become increasingly important. The College’s ‘Healthy Eating the Mediterranean Way’ and ‘Cooking on a Budget’ courses are helping to tackle the issue.

Lecturer Paul Phillips says the sessions are incredibly beneficial to students. He comments: “Cooking together builds more than meals, it creates community, confidence, and life skills. Healthy affordable food empowers everyone, especially adults facing challenges, to connect, learn, and thrive. These courses also promote healthy eating by teaching nutritious, affordable meal preparation while helping individuals develop essential budgeting skills to make the most of their ingredients without overspending. Food brings us all together.”
Some students are completely new to cooking and are already experimenting with new recipes. A recipe booklet has been produced for learners to take away at the end of the course with affordable, easy recipes.

The cookery courses run at the College’s Blossomfield Campus as well as at Saxon Court for the over 55s and the Riverside Family Hub.
It’s hoped many of the adults who take part in the cooking courses will gain confidence to participate in other community activities, with the College offering everything from ceramics and languages to creative writing and floristry – many of which, including some cookery courses, are offered free of charge.