Caleb shines a light on Young Adult Carers

22nd April 2024

A student from Solihull College & University Centre has described what it is like being a young adult carer, the responsibility involved, and the challenges faced alongside studying on a full-time course.

Caleb Tracey, a 17-year-old Psychology, Criminology & Law student and the College’s Student Voice President, cares for his 13-year-old sibling who faces challenges related to ADHD and Autism and manages their daily tasks, ensuring their medical needs are met.

Having taken on the role of a carer since the age of 10, Caleb joined Carers Trust in August 2022 upon recognising the crucial role that Carers Trust plays in supporting student carers. Caleb shares: “The assistance I’ve received from Carers Trust has been invaluable and has included the provision of a laptop that has significantly contributed to my academic journey.”


The charity’s initiatives, such as organised outings to places like Alton Towers and escape rooms, have provided a welcome break for young carers like Caleb, offering them experiences they wouldn’t be able to afford or enjoy otherwise.

Representing the estimated 1 in 5 students who are carers in the UK, Caleb has been actively involved in initiatives to spread awareness. Last year, he provided staff training at the College alongside another young adult carer, and this year, he delivered a speech at the ASCL’s (Association of School and College Leaders) Pastoral Conference with CEOs and Principals from various organisations present.

Caleb on stage after delivering a speech at a pastoral conference
Caleb presenting at the ASCL's Pastoral Conference

Sally Barton-Bodley, Peer Mentoring Project Manager at Carers Trust Solihull, comments: “I can’t tell you how powerfully and passionately Caleb spoke. I am so proud of him taking a national stage to raise the profile of young carers in education. He was totally awesome and was an absolute force to be reckoned with, we are all so lucky to have him around supporting carers and students.”

In addition to his advocacy work, Caleb has been an integral part of the Student Executive Committee and the Enrichment Team at the College. He has created resources for staff training and a zine on budgeting, showcasing his commitment to making a positive impact within the College community.

Reflecting on his journey, Caleb says: “Being part of Carers Trust and the Enrichment Team has been a great motivator for continuing with my studies.” His dedication has not gone unnoticed, as he has been offered a conditional offer to study Psychology at the University of Derby, with the full support of his course lecturers.

Student EDI & Enrichment Manager, Grace Wynne Willson, expresses admiration for Caleb’s growth, stating: “Students like Caleb are the reason why we do the job we do. To watch him grow has been a privilege.”

The College is committed to supporting young adult carers so they get the best out of their academic journey.

If you think you might be a carer then let your tutor know so the College can offer you one-to-one support, a Young Adult Carers card, help with student finance and more.

Find out more about the College’s Psychology, Criminology & Law courses: Psychology, Criminology & Law