Cabin Crew students take to the water for life saving skills training

8th December 2023

Cabin Crew students from Solihull College & University Centre have taken a big step forward in their development by carrying out sea survival training.

Being able to swim is an essential skill for cabin crew. This training teaches students how to prepare should an aircraft ever have to land on water. This is extremely rare, but cabin crew have to be prepared for every eventuality.

Ditching training involves putting on a life jacket, swimming across the pool, climbing into a life raft, basic lifesaving skills and survival drills. Students carried out the training at Tudor Grange Leisure Centre in Solihull.

cabin crew students with life jackets in the pool at Tudor Grange
Cabin crew students undergoing water training

Commercial Services Coordinator, Jane Pendleton, comments: “All of the students fully committed to the drills on the day. We were really impressed with their positive approach, timekeeping, how they worked together as a team and how they helped each other. This was a fantastic first practical insight into their future careers.”

cabin crew students wearing life jackets in the pool

The students will also be heading to the British Airways Training Academy at Heathrow airport as part of their course, which provides a solid training ground for anyone wanting to work in the aviation industry.

Find out more about the College's Travel & Cabin crew courses: Travel & Cabin crew