Where will this course lead?

The CMDA is a Higher Education Level 6 Degree Apprenticeship that includes business education, work-based learning and professional development that contributes to preparing students to meet criteria for Chartered Manager status. The Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship (CMDA) offers a degree-level qualification in Business & Management Practice awarded by Oxford Brookes University delivered at Solihull College & University Centre. The course comprises on-the-job learning and practical work experience and will provide you with a professional pathway for career development.

This "Trailblazer" Apprenticeship has been developed by a group of employers, in partnership with a number of higher education institutions and the Chartered Management Institute (CMI).

Workers who complete the course will earn an apprenticeship degree in Business & Management Practice and will be eligible to be awarded chartered manager status. Course content is based on the published CMDA Standard and Assessment Plan.

What will I study?

The aim of the programme is to support and develop students for careers in the areas of Business and Management. Modules include:

Year One:

- Introduction to Marketing

- Business Management Concepts

- Digital information

- Personal Development

- Managing Business Operations

- Accounting for Business

- Internal and External Communications

Year Two:

- Managing Work performance

- Project Management

- Strategic Management

- Business Research

- Human Resources Management in practice

- Developing Management Capabilities

- Business Finance

Year 3

- Managing Quality & Risk

- Work-based Project or Dissertation

- Leading & Managing Change

- Managing Marketing Activities

- Strategic Leadership

- Strategic Insights

- Developing Self and Developing Others

How will this course be delivered?

Face-to-face lectures and tutorial support will be delivered in a 12 week block twice a year over three years. On-line learning material and learning activities are available on our virtual learning environment giving access to forums to discuss ideas, work or anything else with your tutors and fellow students. Each student will have a mentor or personal tutor for the duration of his or her studies.

A number of one-on-one tutor sessions during each year, which will allow you to:

- Discuss your personal and professional development.
- Discuss and gain feedback about your work.
- Ask questions about the projects you're working on.
- Raise any difficulties you are experiencing relating to your work, personal circumstances or your University experience.

What qualifications will I get?

On successful completion of your studies, you will be awarded BA (Hons) Business & Management Practice awarded by Oxford Brookes University. Solihull College and your employer will support you in progressing to end-point assessment (EPA) where you will be eligible to be awarded degree apprenticeship and chartered manager status.

How will I be assessed?

The assessment strategy includes On-Programme and End Point Assessment.

The On-Programme Assessment methods will be set by the degree awarding body, this will include a mix of assignments, exams, reports, practical exercises and work based projects.

Your progress and development will be assessed at regular stages throughout the apprenticeship - this is likely to be a combination of assignments, exams, presentations, workplace projects, reflective discussions and feedback on behaviours via 360 degree feedback or equivalent mechanisms.

Your employer and the college will formally sign-off your readiness for the end assessment when you have met and can confidently apply the minimum requirements of skills, knowledge and behaviours as detailed in the apprenticeship standard.

Apprenticeship gateway process

You will need to have passed the Gateway process in order to proceed on to the End Point Assessment.

How do I get a place on the course?

Employers can receive advice and support from the Employer Services team at Solihull College & University Centre - employerservices@solihull.ac.uk

What are the entry requirements?

Employers are responsible for recruiting and employing apprentices, while the College will assess candidates for academic entry requirements to the degree programme.

Entrants to the BA (Hons) Business and Management Practice programme should normally meet one of the following sets of requirements:

Three passes at GCSE (grades A/2 - C/4) or O-level (grades A/2 - C/4), normally including Mathematics and English Language:


- a minimum of one pass at A-level or 6-unit Vocational A-level;


- a National Certificate or Diploma or other equivalent qualification, such as GNVQ/NVQ or other level 3 vocational qualification.


- exceptionally, applicants who can demonstrate, through an extended CV, references and interview, that they have the knowledge and abilities equivalent to those possessed by holders of the level 3 qualification, listed above may be admitted with dispensation from the requirement to possess those qualifications.

Additionally, students admitted without GCSE Maths and English Grades A/2-C/4, will be required to successfully complete these qualifications, in order to meet the requirements of the CMDA End Point Assessment.

As work-based learning is an integral part of the BA (Hons) Business and Management Practice programme in addition to holding one of the above entry qualifications, applicants will be in employment by the beginning of the programme for the Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship (CMDA).

Applicants may be interviewed and may be required to undertake IT, numeracy and literacy tests as part of the assessment by the College, to ensure that they possess the appropriate attributes to succeed on the programme. https://www.ucas.com/files/tariff-tables-2020

Other qualifications and combinations of qualifications will be considered and maybe also acceptable - please contact HE.Admissions@solihull.ac.uk

Additional entry requirements

Applicants who do not meet the standard entry criteria but have appropriate industry and life experiences may have their prior learning and skills considered. Applicants may be required to complete an Aptitude assessment (this will be advised at interview).

English language requirements

Students who are non-native English speakers or who have not studied the final two years of school in English, but can demonstrate capability in English at a standard commensurate to IELTS 6.0, with a minimum of 5.5 being awarded on individual sections for a level 4, 5 or 6 qualifications may be considered as eligible to apply for the programme.

What else do I need to know?

Contact hours comprise a mix of lectures (including guest speakers as well as more theory-based material), seminars, workshops and tutorials. The students' approach to enquiry is supported and structured through, for example, in-class exercises, debates, discussions and case study analysis, during their contact hours.

Is there anything else I will have to pay for in order to do this course?

All enrolled students have access to Oxford Brookes University e-library and Solihull College & University Centre library. If you wish to purchase course text-books you will need to budget for either new or used text-books. Costs depend on the direction and ambition of your work. We suggest budgeting approximately £250 for materials and work-books in the first year.

This course is a full-time programme and you will be expected to attend college one day per week between the hours of 10am - 8pm over two semesters (Sept - Dec and Jan - May), timetables will be issued to successful applicants prior to induction and enrolment in September of the current Academic year.

Please read our full terms and conditions https://www.solihull.ac.uk/uni-level-learner/policies-and-applicant-information/

For more detailed information please refer to the course specifications.

Please note that when you enrol you are accepting that the course content and module descriptions are accurate at the time of publishing and that the course content as described is based on what is possible to deliver under the government advice and social distancing rules at that particular time. In the event of changes made to those rules, by national or local government, the College may need to make further alterations to the published course content. By enrolling with the College, you will be confirming that you are content to proceed with the course as detailed at that time and on the basis that the programme may be subject to reasonable change.

Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship

What’s Involved?

Predicted Employment

How much can I earn?


Employment by Region

The career paths provided are to give you an idea of the careers that you could progress onto in the future. However, for some, you may need to complete higher level qualifications and gain experience before your dream job becomes a reality. The information provided is to support further research and to generate some initial career ideas when choosing a course. Please check entry requirements to degree courses, apprenticeships, and jobs as this may vary from year to year and across providers. For further advice and guidance, please contact: careers@solihull.ac.uk.