After completing a Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma (HND), students can progress directly into employment and / or commit to progression routes to degree-level study.
The selected specialist pathways (Biology, Biotechnology) are designed to support progression into relevant occupational areas or on to degree-level study. The pathways are referenced against professional body standards and meet the mandatory qualification requirements of the Level 5 Technician Scientist Higher Apprenticeship standard, providing apprenticeship status and progression to direct employment.
The skills offered as part of the Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND can provide graduates with the opportunity to work in many different areas of the Applied Sciences sector. See below ('What can I do after this course?') for some examples of job roles this qualification could lead to.
The Higher National Diploma (HND) is a Level 4 and Level 5 qualification made up of 240 credits. Pearson BTEC Higher Nationals consist of core (mandatory), specialist (mandatory and optional), and generic (optional) units. Specialist units are designed to provide a specific occupational focus to the qualification and are aligned to professional body and/or higher apprenticeship standards.
The following are the core units taught in the first academic year (2023-2024):
- Unit 1, 'Fundamentals of Laboratory Techniques'.
- Unit 2, 'Scientific Data Handling Approaches and Techniques'.
- Unit 3, 'Regulation and Quality in the Applied Sciences'.
- Unit 4, 'Cell Biology'.
- Unit 5, 'Fundamentals of Chemistry'.
- Unit 6, 'Anatomy and Human Physiology'.
The following are the specialist units taught in the first academic year (2023-2024):
- Unit 17, 'Fundamentals of Biochemistry'.
- Unit 18, 'Microbiological Techniques'.
The following are the core units taught in the second academic year (2024-2025):
- Unit 27, 'Analysis of Scientific Data and Information'.BL, BT
- Unit 28, 'Applied Sciences Research Project'.BL, BT
- Unit 29, 'Biochemistry of Macromolecules and Metabolic Pathways'.BL, BT
- Unit 30, 'Molecular Biology and Genetics'.BL, BT
- Unit 31, 'Immunology'.BL
- Unit 32, 'Biotechnology Techniques'.BT
The following are the specialist units taught in the second academic year (2024-2025):
- Unit 41, 'Conservation and Biodiversity'.
- Unit 51, 'Specialist Scientific Techniques and Experimentation'.
Specialist pathway: Biology.
Specialist pathway: Biotechnology.
The Higher National Diploma (HND) in Applied Science at the Solihull College and University Centre is studied full-time over two years.
Lessons will comprise theoretical delivery, practical activities, formative and summative feedback.
Examples of activities which can contribute to the student's total qualification time may include any of the following:
Some examples of activities which can contribute to guided learning may include any of the following:
Students will achieve a Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma in Applied Science.
Upon completion of the Year 1, students will also achieve a Pearson BTEC Level 4 Higher National Certificate in Applied Science.
Assessments are through a range of different coursework designed to develop academic and employability skills.
Examples of assessment may include any of the following:
All full-time applications are to be submitted via UCAS using the following codes:
Course Code AS01
Institution Code S26
Campus: Main - Blossomfield Campus
To gain a place on this course, applicants must meet the entry criteria and attend a formal interview at Solihull College & University Centre and may also be asked to complete a written and/or practical task as part of this process.
If you have a learning difficulty or disability, please let us know when you apply. You will be offered support in your interview. If you need help completing your application, we can help with this too.
Applicants should normally possess a Level 3 Extended Diploma in Applied Science (minimum grade: MMP), or a minimum of two A-levels (minimum grade: D), or an appropriate T-level, or other equivalent qualifications.
Applicants should also possess five passes at GCSE or equivalent (grades A-C / 9-4), or O-level (grades A-C / 9-4) normally including Mathematics, English Language and Science.
The above requirements are minimum requirements. Gaining a place on the course will also be subject to a successful interview, with an appropriate reference.
Other qualifications and combinations of qualifications will be considered and may be also acceptable (For any enquiry, please contact
Applicants with a minimum of two years' relevant work experience and a current role in an appropriate workplace setting, proven by a Line Manager's letter of support and recommendation, will also be considered.
This course is a full-time programme, and you will be expected to attend 2 days per week, between the hours of 9:00 and 17:00. Timetables will be issued to successful applicants prior to induction and enrolment in September of the current Academic year.
There will also be additional costs for learning resources such as books, stationary and for the production of coursework (the cost of this will depend on the direction and ambition of your work but we suggest budgeting approximately £250 for materials and books). (There are no compulsory requirements to purchase books).
After completing a Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma in Applied Science, students can progress directly into employment and / or commit to progression routes to degree-level study. Below are some examples of job roles this qualification could lead to.
Upon achievement of a Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma in Applied Science, students may wish to progress onto an BSc in most of scientific degrees.
Blossomfield Campus
Full Time