Where will this course lead?

This course aims to produce graduates at the cutting edge of their profession and will emphasise current thinking on animal behaviour and animal welfare. this course provides an ideal progression route onto our BSc (Hons) year in Animal Behaviour & Welfare, or into employment in welfare organisations and charities; animal collections such as rescue centres, zoos, farm parks, catteries and kennels; work in central and local government departments; doing research; behaviourist work and animal training or teaching. Our graduates often progress to careers in animal behaviour and training, education, scientific research, the veterinary or retail sectors, zoos or conservation, or start their own business.

What will I study?

The course will offer both a broad grounding in the practical skills and the underlying scientific knowledge needed to graduate and work in a range of animal-related industries. In the first year you will be introduced to areas such as critical thinking and academic writing and will develop a portfolio to support your professional development alongside a work placement. You will also progress practical handling and husbandry skills. In the second year you get the opportunity to start applying this knowledge and focus on developing research skills through an individual industry-based project.

The modules you will study are:

Year One: Professional and Academic Skills, Animal Biology, Practical Animal Husbandry, Animal Ethics, Business Skills for the Animal Sector, Animal Welfare, Animal Anatomy, and Physiology Principles of Animal Behaviour

Year Two: Research Methods for Industry (Double module), Applied Animal Behaviour, Animal Nutrition, Animal Health and Disease, Exotic Animal Trade, Animal Breeding and Genetics Zoo Practices, and Conservation. All modules are compulsory.

How will this course be delivered?

The course is delivered in a variety of ways including face to face in the classroom with lectures, group activities, discussions and seminars; via practical work in the laboratory or the Animal Care Centre, plus240 hours of industry work placement; also, online resources and activities are used in modules for independent learning; support is provided via one to one tutorials. Trips and guest speakers, in addition to a work placement and individual industry project, help strengthen links to the workplace and development of skills for employment. The Animal Care Centre is fully equipped to industry standards and houses a wide range of species to include reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates, fish, small mammals, large farm mammals and birds. You will also be required to complete extensive independent study outside the hours spent at college. You should allow a minimum of one full day per week for independent study.

The full-time mode requires you to attend college 3 days a week in semester 1, 2 days a week in semester 2 and attend a work placement on an additional day in the first year. Part-time students will have 1.5 days of lectures, dropping to 1 day in semester 2, and will also need to complete the work placement. Work placement can be arranged any time outside of your scheduled lectures, to suit the student. The college will be following government guidelines on social distancing, and therefore we at times may need to increase the balance of online learning, with online lectures delivered both synchronously and asynchronously. Tutorials will take place online.

What qualifications will I get?

Oxford Brookes University FdSc in Animal Behaviour and Welfare. To be successful in gaining this award, you need to complete 120 credits at Level 4 plus a further 120 credits at Level 5. All modules are compulsory.

How will I be assessed?

Assessments are through a range of different coursework designed to develop academic and employability skills, and through examinations in some modules.

How do I get a place on the course?

Full-time applications should be submitted via UCAS using the following codes: Course Code C866; Institution Code O66 (Oxford Brookes University); Campus Code L (Solihull College & University Centre). Applications will go Oxford Brookes University via UCAS before being forwarded to Solihull College.

Oxford Brookes part-time applications are to be made via the university's website: https://www.brookes.ac.uk/study/how-to-apply/applying-directly 

To gain a place on this course, applicants must meet the entry criteria and attend a formal interview at Solihull College & University Centre and may also be asked to complete a written and/or practical task as part of this process.

If you have a learning difficulty or disability, please let us know when you apply. You will be offered support in your interview. If you need help completing your application, we can help with this too. https://www.solihull.ac.uk/uni-level-learner/student-services


What are the entry requirements?

Entrants to the programme should normally possess the following: Either:

• A minimum of two years' relevant work experience and a current role in an appropriate workplace setting, and

• A Line Manager's letter of support and recommendation. Or:

• A minimum of 80 UCAS points, which could arise from a combination of the following:

• A-levels (e.g., 2 A levels at Grade B)

• A BTEC National Diploma at DM, or Extended Diploma at MMP, or other equivalent qualifications, such as GNVQ/NVQ

• A T-level qualification at Pass with a C or above on the core

• A minimum of one pass at A-level or 6-unit Vocational A-level, plus three passes at GCSE (grades A-C), or O-level (grades A-C) normally including Mathematics, English Language and Science. Other qualifications and combinations of qualifications will be considered and maybe also acceptable -please contact HE.Admissions@solihull.ac.uk

Institutions Own Test

Applicants who do not meet the standard entry criteria but have appropriate industry and life experiences may have their prior learning and skills considered. Applicants may be required to complete an aptitude assessment (this will be advised at interview).English language requirements Students who are non-native English speakers or who have not studied the final two years of school in English but can demonstrate capability in English at a standard commensurate to IELTS 6.0, with a minimum of 5.5 being awarded on individual sections for a level 4, 5 or 6 qualifications may be considered as eligible to apply for the programme.

What else do I need to know?

Some students may be required to pass a DBS check for particular industry placements. There is an exit point where students can leave with a Certificate in Higher Education. This course is a full-time programme, and you will be expected to attend 3-4 day per week between the hours of 9-5, timetables will be issued to successful applicants during induction and enrolment in September of the current Academic year. If you are applying for financial help from Student Finance England, then you should do this as soon as possible to ensure your funding is in place for the start of your course.


The degree is validated by Oxford Brookes University.

To find out how studying at a partner college works, please see this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wnzMXrM58U

What can I do after this course?

Upon completion of this year, you may wish to progress onto the BSc (Hons) in Animal Behaviour and Welfare. The qualification also provides you with a broad range of skills to progress directly into your career now and in the future.


Blossomfield Campus

Start Date






Course Fee(PA)


Course Code


Study Mode

Full Time

Animal Behaviour & Welfare Foundation Degree (Oxford Brookes)

What’s Involved?

Predicted Employment

How much can I earn?


Employment by Region

The career paths provided are to give you an idea of the careers that you could progress onto in the future. However, for some, you may need to complete higher level qualifications and gain experience before your dream job becomes a reality. The information provided is to support further research and to generate some initial career ideas when choosing a course. Please check entry requirements to degree courses, apprenticeships, and jobs as this may vary from year to year and across providers. For further advice and guidance, please contact: careers@solihull.ac.uk.