This course is ideal for you if you are interested in Animal Management or if you would like a career in the animal care industry. This course could lead to work with the RSPCA, working with Guide Dogs for the Blind, Pet Shop management and Veterinary Nursing. On completion, this course provides the opportunity to top up to an Extended Diploma which will provide UCAS points and possible entry into Higher Education.
Throughout your studies, you will cover 7 Units from the following list:
Animal Biology (Mandatory Unit) Business Management in the Animal Sector
Animal Welfare and Ethics (Mandatory Unit) Animal Management in a Retail Environment
Practical Animal Husbandry (Mandatory Unit) Animals in Boarding Establishments
Animal Behaviour (Mandatory Unit) Developing an Enterprise in the Animal Sector
Animal Health and Diseases (Mandatory Unit) Principles of Animal Nursing
Work Experience in the Animal Sector
(Mandatory Unit) Aquatic Animal Health and Husbandry
Farm Livestock Husbandry Exotic Animal Husbandry
Human and Animal Interaction Zoological Animal Health & Husbandry
Practical Estate Planning, Construction and
Maintenance Animal Grooming
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
You will spend three/four days per week in College and one additional day on an animal related work placement.
After completing year 1 you will achieve a Level 3 National Foundation Diploma which is the equivalent to one and a half A-Levels.
Successful completion of year one will allow you to apply for the second year of the course (National Extended Diploma). After completing year two you will achieve a Level 3 National Extended Diploma which is the equivalent to 3 A-levels
Assessment is continual over the year mainly by the completion of assignments, but there are a range of assessment methods including: external assessments, presentations and group work and students are also assessed practically on the Animal Care Centre and in the work place.
You will be given the opportunity to gain a Pass, Merit or Distinction in each subject.
You will be required complete an application and to attend a College interview.
Minimum qualifications for this course are:
- Four GCSE passes at Grade A*/9 - C/4 including English Language, Science (Physics, Biology and Chemistry) and Maths OR A Level 2 Diploma in Animal Care at Distinction with a Grade C or above in English and Maths.
In addition to the above qualifications you will need:
- a suitable character or tutor reference,
- a copy of your latest school report (if applicable) and
- a successful college interview.
You will need to purchase a pair of steel toe cap boots, a College boiler suit and a work placement polo shirt. There may also be various trips throughout the year. The price of these will become available upon application. A good standard of English and Maths are essential for success in your course, your chosen vocation and life.
Throughout your course you will continue to develop your English and Maths skills in your vocational classes.
In order to study the Animal Management Foundation Diploma it is essential that students have a Grade A*/9- C/4 in Maths and English. If you have a Learning Difficulty or Disability please let us know when you apply. You will be offered support in your interview. If you need help completing your application we can help with this too. Solihull College is an inclusive and diverse learning environment offering full- time and part time courses to people from anywhere in the UK and overseas.
Blossomfield Campus
N/A For 16 to 18 Year Olds
Full Time
Zoo Keepers work directly with animals on a daily basis, looking after their feeding, cleaning and health needs.
Zoologists, biological scientists and biochemists examine and investigate the morphology, structure, chemistry and physical characteristics of living organisms, including their inter-relationships, environments and diseases.
Workers in this unit group care for animals held in kennels, stables, zoos and similar establishments, provide specialised training, grooming, clipping and trimming services for animals and perform a variety of animal care tasks.
Conservation professionals are responsible for ensuring that landscapes, habitats and species are protected and enhanced via appropriate management and conservation. They promote public understanding and awareness of the natural environment and help to develop and implement appropriate policies to achieve these objectives.
Veterinary nurses provide assistance to veterinarians in the treatment and care of sick or injured animals.
Workers in this unit group care for animals held in kennels, stables, zoos and similar establishments, provide specialised training, grooming, clipping and trimming services for animals, and searches for and captures stray or nuisance dogs in public areas and perform a variety of animal care tasks not elsewhere classified in MINOR GROUP 613: Animal Care and Control Services.
Jobholders in this unit group investigate, address, and advise on a variety of terrestrial and marine environment and resource management issues, including the development and implementation of environmental policies and remedies that address the impacts of human activities and industrial processes on the environment.
Job holders in this line of work plan and apply physical and therapeutic treatments and activities to assist recovery from physical illness and to minimise the effects of disabilities or aid behavioural referrals. This could involve hydrotherapy or physiotherapy or behavioural rehabilitation, particularly with dogs.
Product, clothing and related designers plan, direct and undertake the creation of designs for new industrial and commercial products, clothing and related fashion accessories. This includes animal products such as clothing, toys and more.