This qualification focuses on the development of knowledge and skills needed to work in the Management and Administration sector and prepares students to enter the sector through employment or as an Apprentice.
Furthermore, the competition of this qualification gives students the opportunity to progress onto higher education courses and training.
T Levels are new, two-year, technical study programmes, designed with employers to give young people the skills that industry needs. T Levels will provide a mixture of:
The course is split into two years, Year 1 will focus on the core content of Management & Administration, plus the Employer Set Project element.
Core Contents:
1. Business Content
2. People
3. Quality and Compliance
4. Finance
5. Policies and Procedures
6. Project and Change Management
7. Business Behaviours
Year 2 will focus on the occupational specialism element of Team Leadership and Management
During the two years of the course, you will be expected to complete a mandatory element of 315hrs industry placement to support the classroom-based elements of the course.
The course will also develop your English, maths, and digital skills.
Students will be enrolled on a full two-year programme.
Usually, first year students will spend at least 4 days a week between Monday to Friday at the College studying for T levels.
City & Guilds T Level Technical Qualification in Management and Administration
You will be assessed via two exams in the first year along with a controlled assessment done in exam conditions replicating a business project.
The combination of the two together will form your overall grade - Pass, Merit, Distinction, Distinction*- a D* is equivalent to Three A*s at A Level
Year 1
Core Components - Paper 1 & 2 - 2.5hrs exam assessment
Employer-set Project - controlled assessment done in exam conditions of 25hrs.
Industry Placement
Log of 315hrs completed and signed off by placement / supervisor.
Achievement of set placement goals
In the second year you will complete a longer assessed project called the Occupational Specialism. These are all externally assessed via City & Guilds.
Year 2
Team Leadership & Management - Externally set assignment to be completed as controlled assessment in exam conditions of 32hrs.
You can get a place on the course by completing an application form or applying online for an interview. Applicants are invited for an interview with a member of the School of Business.
5 GCSEs at grades C/GCSE grade 5 or above including both English Language and Mathematics, plus a college interview and initial assessment.
Commitment to completing the required 315hrs / 45 days industry placement.
When in timetabled lessons, business students are required to follow the business set dress code. During your industry placement you will also be expected to follow the companies dress code policy.
You need to come to college with a positive attitude and prepared to learn, pens and notepad. All lessons will be held in a computer room but making notes to support learning is essential.
The course is recognised by industry and higher education and carries UCAS points.
T Levels will include about 20% of the time being spent on a work placement, with 80% being spent in the classroom. This differs to an Apprenticeship which is typically 80% in employment and 20% in the classroom.
T Levels are ideal for you if you are moving on from GCSE studies and you think you would enjoy a practical approach to studying, that includes a 3-month industry placement with an employer. They provide an intense, deep technical study into within management and administration.
No, you are not employed by an employer when studying on a T Level, you are simply on a work placement with them.?
For most students there is no fee for this course. Currently students that will be 19+ at the start of the course cannot undertake a T Level.
When students complete a T Level study programme, students can choose between moving into a skilled occupation or further study, such as higher or degree apprenticeship, higher level technical study and university.
T levels are designed and intended to provide the knowledge and experience needed to enter into skilled employment, further study at higher educational level or a higher apprenticeship.
Blossomfield Campus
N/A for 16 to 18 Year Olds
Full Time
Jobholders in this unit group advise industrial, commercial and other establishments on a variety of management and business-related matters to assist in the formulation of financial and business policies in order to maximise growth or improve business performance.
Production managers and directors in manufacturing plan, organise, direct and co-ordinate the activities and resources necessary for production in manufacturing industries including the maintenance of engineering items, equipment and machinery.
Receptionists receive and direct telephone calls and visitors to commercial, government and other establishments.
Sales supervisors oversee operations and directly supervise and coordinate the activities of sales and related workers in retail and wholesale establishments.
Financial managers and directors plan, organise, direct and co-ordinate financial information and advise on company financial policy.
Legal associate professionals provide administrative support for legal professionals, and investigate and make recommendations on legal matters that do not fall within the province of a normal court of law.
Business sales executives provide advice to existing and potential customers, and receive orders for specialist machinery, equipment, materials and other products or services that require technical knowledge.
Credit controllers perform financial, administrative and other tasks in relation to credit control and debt collection.
Office supervisors oversee operations and directly supervise and coordinate the activities of those carrying out general administrative and clerical work and performing specialist administrative and clerical duties in relation to finance, records, sales and other services to a variety of commercial, industrial and other non-governmental organisations and public agencies.
Marketing Associate professionals assist in the development and implementation of projects which aim to elicit the preferences and requirements of consumers, businesses and other specified target groups so that suppliers may meet these needs.
Job holders in this unit group manage, organise and coordinate business conferences, exhibitions and similar events.
Human resources and industrial relations officers conduct research and advise on recruitment, training, staff appraisal and industrial relations policies and assist specialist managers with negotiations on behalf of a commercial enterprise, trade union or other organisation.
Office managers plan, organise and co-ordinate the activities and resources of offices within commercial, industrial and other non-governmental organisations and public agencies. (National and local government office managers are classified to unit group 3561: Public services associate professionals.)
Job holders within this unit group manage shopping centres, residential areas and private estates, and arrange for the sale, purchase, rental and leasing of property on behalf of clients and employers.
Legal secretaries file and maintain legal and other records, transcribe notes and dictation into typewritten form and perform other routine clerical tasks in legal practices.