• You will not have to pay for our course if…

    • you are a UK or Irish National who has lived in the United Kingdom for 3+ years or more or you meet one of the other residency requirements for funding (please contact Student Services for more information) and either…
      1. you are 19+ on and are either…
        • studying GCSE Maths and/or English and have not already attained a GCSE grade 4/C or higher;
        • studying Maths and/or English Functional Skills up to and including a level 2 qualification;
        • studying a qualification up to and including level 2 and already have a full level 2 qualification, live outside the WMCA and meet the definition of unemployed* as defined by the ESFA or are employed and earn less than £18,525 annual gross salary;
        • studying a qualification up to and including level 2 and already have a full level 2 qualification, live within the WMCA and meet the definition of unemployed* as defined by the WMCA or are employed and earn less than £19,350 (£9.90/hr) annual gross salary;
        • studying a National Skills Funded qualification and do not hold a full level 3 qualification;
        • studying a National Skills Funded qualification, live outside the WMCA and hold a full level 3 qualification or higher and meet the definition of unemployed* as defined by the ESFA or are employed and earn less than £18,525 annual gross salary;
        • studying a National Skills Funded qualification, live within the WMCA and hold a full level 3 qualification or higher and meet the definition of unemployed* as defined by the WMCA or are employed and earn less than £19,350 (£9.90/hr) annual gross salary;
        • studying an ESOL qualification, live outside the WMCA and meet the definition of unemployed* as defined by the ESFA or are employed and earn less than £18,525 annual gross salary;
        • studying an ESOL qualification, live within the WMCA and meet the definition of unemployed* as defined by the WMCA or are employed and earn less than £19,350 (£9.90/hr) annual gross salary;
        • studying a Community Education course and are in receipt of an income-based benefit or JSA or ESA;
        • studying a Community Education course and are the dependant of someone in receipt of an income-based benefit or JSA or ESA;
        • studying a Community Education course and in receipt of Universal Credit.
      2. you are 19-23 years old on the start date of your course and are either…
        • studying your first full level 2 qualification;
        • studying your first full level 3 qualification;
        • studying an entry or level 1 qualification and do not already hold a full level 2 qualification.
      3. you are 24 years old or over on the start date of your course and are either…
        • studying an entry or level 1 qualification, do not already hold a full level 2 qualification, live outside the WMCA and meet the definition of unemployed* as defined by the ESFA or are employed and earn less than £18,525 annual gross salary;
        • studying an entry or level 1 qualification, do not already hold a full level 2 qualification, live within the WMCA and meet the definition of unemployed* as defined by the WMCA or are employed and earn less than £19,350 (£9.90/hr) annual gross salary;
        • studying a qualification up to and including level 2, live outside the WMCA and meet the definition of unemployed* as defined by the ESFA or are employed and earn less than £18,525 annual gross salary;
        • studying a qualification up to and including level 2, live within the WMCA and meet the definition of unemployed* as defined by the WMCA or are employed and earn less than £19,350 (£9.90/hr) annual gross salary;
        • *unemployed as defined by the ESFA;
        • in receipt of JSA;
        • in receipt of ESA;
        • in receipt of UC and take home pay as recorded on the UC statement (disregarding UC payments and other benefits) is less than £345 a month (sole claim) or £552 a month (joint claim);
        • in receipt of another state benefit (not listed above) and take-home pay (disregarding UC payments and other benefits) is less than £345 a month (sole claim) or £552 a month (joint claim) and want to be employed or progress into more sustainable employment;
        • are released on temporary licence, studying outside a prison environment, and not funded by the Ministry of Justice;
        • *unemployed as defined by the WMCA;
        • in receipt of JSA;
        • in receipt of ESA;
        • in receipt of UC;
        • unemployed and in receipt of another state benefit;
        • unemployed, able to start work or available to work and the course you are studying is directly relevant to employment prospects.

Please contact Student Services on 0121 678 7000 (option 2 and 2 again) for further help and advice.