Governors’ Profiles
Read about Solihull College & University Centre’s Governors here
sam bromwich
paul assinder - chair
rebecca gater - principal and chief executive
christine abbott
susie ankrett
megan bacalla - further education student governor
michael burnett
sarah horton-walsh - careers lead
helen kinghorn
ravi kumar
tony lucas - joint vice chair
graham mckean
mehreen mirza safeguarding lead
dave nanda
amirun nehar
cheryl pidler
donna poole - staff governor
sharmin rima
harrison thompson - digital and technology lead
tony worth - external member
College Governance
The Corporation is comparable to a board of non-executive directors. It is composed of members from the local community, stakeholders, student and staff members. Working closely with the Principal, the Corporation is responsible for approving the College’s mission statement, establishing college strategy and maintaining the overall framework of policies and procedures within which the college operates. Governors help the college to maintain a long term focus whilst working on its shorter term goals and plans. The day-to-day management of the college is very much the responsibility of the Principal and the Executive Management Team.
The Corporation is advised by a Director of Corporate Governance, Risk and Compliance who is independent of the College Management team and has access to independent professional advice. Governors making up the Solihull College & University Centre Corporation bring with them a wealth of business, academic and community experience. This ensures that strategic decisions impacting on the College are made in a professional, progressive and responsible way.
Please download the PDFs below to view detailed information on the College’s governance arrangements and key policy statements and procedures.
The Corporation conducts its business in an open and transparent manner and information which is routinely published about the College is contained in its Publication Scheme.
External Board Review
Solihull College & University Centre had an External Board Review from March to June 2023. The Review was carried out by the AoC with Heather Cross as reviewer. The Review is a requirement for all colleges every three years as set out in the Skills and Post-16 Education Act 2022.
The Review concluded:
The Board is proficient and has impact on college strategy, effectiveness and outcomes.
“There is much that is good about governance at Solihull College & University Centre, with a positive Board composition and strong Board interaction. Whilst there would be benefit in the Board considering making some amendments to its Board structure for the future, there is transparency of information and a healthy approach to evaluating how governance is operating in order to seek further improvement currently, with the Board making an impact on college strategy, effectiveness and outcomes.”
The Board of Governors welcomed the feedback on the Review and were pleased with the strengths identified and the useful ideas to improve. As a result they are consolidating the Review findings into the annual action plan for Governance which is approved in November of each year.
For further information please contact Sam Bromwich, The Director of Governance, Risk and Compliance