Local mom hopes to empower parents following College course
Wednesday, 19 February, 2014

A local mom from Chelmsley Wood is looking forward to a promising 2014 after she completed a Business Start-Up course at Solihull College, and is now in the process of setting up her own company. The course which is aimed at unemployed people across Solihull and Birmingham is run alongside Job Centre Plus and takes place at the College’s Blossomfield Campus.
33-year old Catherine Kelly is currently setting up The Parentpreneur Company, an online support and services network for parents who want to start their own business from home to run alongside family life. Although she had the idea for quite some time, she said the College course helped her understand what would be involved: “Without doing this course I never would have thought setting up my own business would be possible and what was involved. Before, I had no idea about finances, legalities and where to go for any help but I now feel prepared and can see the direction I need to go”.
Aimed at those with a strong skill set and an established business idea, the Business Start-Up course takes place over 18 hours-a-week, and will not affect being able to claim Job Seekers Allowance. Gaining the OCR Level 2 Award in Business Enterprise, students will gain an understanding of how to create a vision for business along with assessing their ability to run a business. They will also learn how to build a cash flow forecast and business plan.
Along with Catherine, all her fellow students are working to set up their own business including: 23-year-old Adam Rawlins from Sutton Coldfield who is setting up his own business in asbestos surveying and management and 33-year-old Lisa Gardner from Kings Heath who is setting up her own cake business.
Eamon Wykes is one of the business lecturers who delivers the course, he comments: “They have been the most dedicated group of business start-ups I’ve ever worked with. The group are very diverse but realistic with their business plans. They now have the tools and skills to develop their ideas and I expect most will have active businesses within three months”.
To find out more about the Business Start-Up course being offered in conjunction with Job Centre Plus Solihull, please follow this link or call 0121 678 7000.