College Meerkats prepare for Halloween
Friday, 23 October, 2015

Solihull College & University Centre’s resident Meerkats have been preparing for Halloween by enjoying pumpkins as part of their enrichment programme.

Animal Care students along with their tutor Beth Tite were able to carve the pumpkins before placing them in the Meerkats enclosure. Pumpkins are very beneficial to the Meerkats because as not only can they eat fruit and vegetables as part of their diet but by hollowing out the pumpkins the Meerkats are kept entertained as they are able to use their teeth and claws to grab seeds left inside the pumpkins as well as food placed inside such as Mealworms.

Students at Solihull College & University Centre who study Animal Care qualifications can work with the Meerkats as well as many other animals within the excellent facilitates that the College offers.  The courses, which range from level 1 right up to degree level courses, are a great way for students to gain relevant knowledge and experience for their future careers in Animal Care, Animal Management or Veterinary Nursing.

For more information on courses including Animal Care attend the open day for both school leavers and university level learners on Saturday 28th November at Blossomfield Campus.

Meerkats at Solihull College