Marketing team wins sector award Gold

14th December 2022

The Marketing Team at Solihull College & University Centre and Stratford-upon-Avon College were thrilled to win Gold at a recent sector awards ceremony.

The FE First Awards take place as part of the College Marketing Network’s annual conference, which brings together marketing professionals from across the UK to learn and share best practice.

The team were shortlisted in the Social & Digital Media Impact category and were thrilled to be awarded Gold against some tough competition.

The College's Marketing Team receiving their award
The College's Marketing Team receiving their award from Ian Pryce CBE (Left)

The award win focused on the College’s use of TikTok. In recent months the targeting available on the platform has become far tighter, allowing local businesses and organisations to better target specific geography and age ranges for paid advertising. Judges were impressed with how the College made use of these targeting developments and created strong content showcasing students using the state-of-the-art facilities across the campuses. The College utilised TikTok advertising across several campaigns in 2022 including throughout the summer and enrolment period. The College is also using TikTok on a weekly basis to create fun and engaging content for its audience.

The College’s Head of Marketing & Communications, Sean Howitt, commented: “The team have worked really hard to ensure we remain sector leading in terms of both digital communication and our wider marketing output. We aim to ensure we are advertising in the right way and in the right places for our key audiences. This sector recognition is a lovely way to finish off the year.”

The team plans to continue to innovate across a variety of platforms throughout the rest of the academic year and beyond!

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