Psychology, Criminology & Law students take on murder trial

12th December 2022

Psychology, Criminology & Law students from Solihull College & University Centre recently re-enacted a real-life murder trial to develop their knowledge of the justice system.

Birmingham Civil & Family Justice Centre, in Birmingham City Centre, welcomed a group of 29 college students for the experience. Prior to the trip, students had been designated specific roles they would play in the mock murder trial.

Solihull College students in mock court session

The students impressed staff members at the centre with their professional conduct

Taking on a range of parts including judge, clerk, usher, prosecution and defence solicitors/barristers, witnesses, pathologist, doctor, and the jury, students discussed the evidence presented in court and witnesses took to the stand.

The experience allowed students to put to practice the modules they have been studying on their course such as ‘Crime Scene to Courtroom’.

Criminology Lecturer, Tammia Salina comments: “Students were given the opportunity to ask the District Judge and other court staff a range of questions and further develop their understanding of the justice system.”

The experience allowed students to use the knowledge they have developed in a practical way

The Justice Centre also delivered a presentation about the various job opportunities and apprenticeships available. Sharing their own work experiences, staff informed students of the different pathways to a career in the system outside of the conventional university route.

Tammia adds: “I was impressed with the students’ attitude and behaviour throughout the day and the questions they asked were excellent. They’ve done themselves and the College proud. The staff at the Justice Centre have agreed to visit us on our Speaker’s Day to build on our students’ knowledge.”

Find out more about the College’s Psychology, Criminology & Law courses: Psychology, Criminology & Law courses