College offers degrees to meet engineering regulations
Wednesday, 26 August, 2015

Solihull College and University Centre are offering foundation degrees in areas of engineering including Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. As well as the foundation degrees the university centre is offering BSc (Hons) top-up degrees in the mentioned areas to allow students to gain their full qualifications.

Recent changes to HND qualifications now mean that the Engineering Council has stated HNDs are no longer eligible to support an application for Incorporated Engineer as a stand-alone qualification and further studies are required. The Engineering Council is the regulatory body for the UK engineering profession and ensures that standards of professional competence and commitment are maintained. They offer awards, which are achieved after assessment, such as the Incorporated Engineer award to ensure that the engineers listed on their register are competent.

Solihull College and University Centre are offering students who have completed their HNC in engineering the chance to continue with their studies by completing a part-time BSc degree course which is run in partnership with Oxford Brookes University. The degree courses allow students to study part-time, stay local and also progress to achieving Incorporated Engineer status.

The courses have been redesigned by the university centre to ensure they are in line with the new guidelines and also to give their students the best opportunity to gain the relevant qualifications to progress within the engineering profession. There are still places left for students who are looking to continue with their studies this year.

For more information on all our courses available please visit www.solihull.ac.uk or call 0121 678 7000.