Mature GCSE student heads to university

7th September 2021

A former mature student from Solihull College & University Centre is embarking upon an exciting new journey at university, having gained the all-important qualifications needed thanks to the College’s support.

Stacey Tidmus, 34 from Birmingham, has been accepted into university after returning to education to secure her GCSE English and Science qualifications.

Gaining the equivalent of a C in both English and Biology, Stacey is going to be studying Midwifery full-time at Coventry University, officially beginning her studies later this month.

She credits the valuable support and guidance provided by the College and its teaching staff in helping her get into university. She comments: “My tutor was amazing and gave me lots of good feedback. I liked how we were put into small groups and had plenty of one-to-one support. The College provided all the equipment that I needed, and the support was always there.”

Soon-to-be Coventry University student Stacey Tidmus
Soon-to-be Coventry University student Stacey Tidmus

Stacey hopes to start her midwifery career in a hospital following her university studies. Her advice to anyone in a similar situation, thinking about a possible career change, is that “age doesn’t matter and there is always time to start a new career should you wish.”

Erin Shakespeare, GCSE English tutor at the College, comments: “Stacey was a fantastic student and demonstrated eagerness to learn and progress. She was focused, determined and met challenges head on. I am so proud of what she has accomplished at the College.

“It was really important for her to achieve in GCSE so she could progress to her university course. This is true for so many of our students at the College who may have not got the grades necessary first time around, and it has been wonderful to see both Stacey, and her colleagues, develop their skills and achieve. Every year we see the effect studying GCSEs has – it is such a vital step to take in order to access future opportunities. Every year we see the positive impact the course has on people’s lives.”

Find out more about the College’s GCSE courses for adults: GCSE courses