Solihull College & University Centre achieves quality standard for careers work
Tuesday, 31 July, 2018

Solihull College & University Centre has been recognised for its outstanding careers work this month and has been awarded Gold level in the national Quality in Careers Standard, awarded under licence by Prospects. The Quality in Careers Standard is awarded to schools and education providers who can demonstrate the importance they place on careers and how they support students to make decisions about their life after college.

Solihull College & University Centre is continually working to improve the chances and opportunities of all students. Recognising the importance of preparing students for their future careers, the College began working towards the national Quality in Careers Standard. An accreditation team visited the college prior to the award to talk to students and staff and to view a portfolio of work the team had carried out.

A strong careers team is essential to the College and the team work closely with faculty areas to ensure they reach anyone who needs it. Adam Thomas, Director of Student Services was delighted with the gold accreditation. He states ‘we already believed we had an exceptional careers provision at our college but it was wonderful that the team have been recognised at gold level. It is justified recognition for the hard work they do. Careers is an unselfish role, they work tirelessly to support students and get them to where they need to be. The recognition is long overdue’.

Careers advisor Jane Findlay stated ‘the accreditation was something the team have worked very hard for. It recognised the heart of the team and the collective effort of all of us. We pride ourselves on impartiality and ensuring we give the correct advice for the student as an individual not just for our College’.

At the College not only are students advised beforehand on the right course for them, but they can be supported throughout their entire college journey and after they have completed their course. Students with direction are more focussed and this in turn makes their time at college all the more productive. Careers advice is not just offered for young students, it is available to all learners. The team have worked with a wide range of age groups. ‘It’s a careers revolution’ Jane adds ‘we as a team bring a variety of different experiences and skillsets to the table. We look at different approaches.’ The team, consisting of Careers Co-ordinator Alka Prinja and Careers Advisors Jane Findlay and Helen Cunningham, are available to talk to any student who would find it useful over the Summer.

Michele  A Squire, Careers Education Strategic Manager at Prospects stated ‘I had no hesitation at all in recommending that Solihull College & University Centre received the Gold standard as there was real evidence of the Gatsby Benchmarks working in the institution’.

Achieving the national Quality in Careers Standard proves that Solihull College & University Centre embrace, promote and endorse quality careers education and recognise the part it plays in the overall success of the College and its students.

student at careers desk