Brave student donates hair to charity
Friday, 9 March, 2018

Danielle Vines, an Access to Health student at Solihull College & University Centre has donated her hair to the Little Princess Trust. Danielle, 24, chose to have her long hair cut and then her head completely shaved to raise money and awareness for the charity.

Little Princess Trust provides real hair wigs, free of charge to children & young adults that have lost their own hair through cancer treatment and other illnesses.  ‘I cut my hair 2 years ago for the charity’ Danielle states ‘but I never went as far as this. I always wanted to do something to help others. Hair can be a big deal to some people, I know when people get sick they are forced to lose their hair or remove it, I wanted to help and do something while I had a choice’.

Danielle made the decision to donate her hair and contacted her supportive tutor Gurdeep Kambo who arranged for Danielle to have her head shaved on site in the college salon. Surrounded by her classmates who came into college in their free time to support their friend, Danielle went under the razor. Many of her fellow students live streamed the shave, watching in disbelief.

Claire Fanthome, Barbering Lecturer was on hand to first cut Danielle’s long brown hair from a pony tail and then to razor and shave the rest of her head.

Danielle’s Just Giving page is at the £350 mark and rising. Her charitable venture was watched by her proud mother Angie Noke. ‘I asked her why she wanted to do this when she first came up with the idea’ Angie states, ‘but she responded with “I have a choice mom, so many others don’t.” How can you argue with that? She has the most caring nature and is always thinking of others.’

Danielle’s inspiring move is especially thoughtful in a generation of young people whose personal appearance is often a high priority. It makes her decision all the more humbling and rare.

Danielle is no stranger to charitable endeavours and works as a carer in an old people’s home when she isn’t studying. In the future she hopes to go on to become an adult nurse.

‘Everyone has been so supportive, from my tutor to my classmates and my family’ Danielle adds, ‘I hope others might make the decision to do this in the future too’.

If you are interested in an Access to HE Course like Danielle’s then check out https://www.solihull.ac.uk/demographic/adult-learner/category/access-programmes/


student having hair shaved for cancer