Solihull College welcomes the Deputy Prime Minister
Tuesday, 5 May, 2015

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg and Liberal Democrat MP for Solihull Lorely Burt visited Solihull College on Friday 1st May on their latest campaign stop before the elections later this week. After being greeted by Principal John Callaghan, Nick Clegg made his way through the facilities at Solihull College to meet students who are currently studying Health and Social Care.

The students were able to share with him and Lorely Burt their knowledge and skills which they have learnt whilst being at Solihull College. This included demonstrating the use of needles and dressing wounds using the lifelike models, as well as ensuring hygiene rules are adhered to with a demonstration of hand washing, which both Nick Clegg and Lorely Burt rolled up their sleeves to take part in.

The Health and Social Care students at Solihull College spoke to the Deputy Prime Minister about their course and the benefits of attending the College. Heath and Social Care student Fahad Bhimji explained how the course has helped with his communication skills which are vital when speaking to patients and something that the tutors at Solihull College have emphasised. The students have placement opportunities whilst studying at the College in local nursing homes, day centres and nurseries to develop their skills, as Linda McCloughlin, Head of School for Health and Social Care explained.

The Liberal Democrat leader also spoke to Health and Social Care student Jade Finan about the opportunities her course has given her and Jade explained “I have secured a place at University to continue studying for another three years.”? Nick Clegg praised the students on their dedication and wished them luck for the future before departing to speak to local and national media addressing issues surrounding NHS funding.

Before leaving Solihull College the Deputy Prime Minister took photos with students at the College and spoke again with Principal John Callaghan. John later said “??It is always a privilege to have high profile visitors to Solihull College, such as the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg and to be able to showcase the excellent facilities we have here at Solihull College. Visits such as this are a great way for our students to feel engaged with politics, especially with the imminent general election. It is also a great opportunity for our students to demonstrate the skills they have developed whilst being at Solihull College.”

For more information on courses at Solihull College please visit www.solihull.ac.uk/courses