Abby enjoys work experience at West Midlands Fire Service
Wednesday, 22 March, 2017

Abby Andrews, a student at Solihull College & University Centre has recently had the opportunity to complete a work experience placement at West Midlands Fire Service in the Fire Investigation department.

Abby is currently studying towards her Level 3 Diploma in Public Services and as part of her course is required to undertake 30 hours of work experience which will assist her in her studies. Abby’s tutor at the College, Emma Scothern commented “Abby is a wonderful student who has an extremely good work ethic and is a pleasure to teach.  Her attendance and punctuality is excellent.”

Due to Abby’s work ethic she was granted permission to join the team at West Midlands Fire Service and experience the daily tasks they endure whilst on shift. Abby started her time with Fire Investigation Officer, Jase Dean and had the opportunity to learn about fire control, visit the Headquarters, visit the Police station and take a look at a number of case studies to aid her understanding of Fire Investigation.

Jase Dean commented “Abby applied herself to her work experience and showed that if you show interest in your chosen subject and have the will to get stuck in you can get as much out of the experience as you want.  Abby worked hard and absorbed all the information she was given.”

Abby, whose father is in the fire service, has a passion for working in the Public Service sector and opportunities such as this will aid her in her career progression in the future. As well as working with the Fire Investigation Officer, Abby had the chance to work with the services dog handler, Matt Dixon who introduced her to his dogs who assist the fire service with a number of matters such as search and rescue.

As well as learning the ropes at the station, Abby has been able to add to her qualification portfolio as she has undergone training and assessment for the level 1 fire investigation training which will be a great achievement to add to her CV.

Abby thoroughly enjoyed her work experience placement and hopes to one day either join the fire service or the police force.

Find out more about Solihull College & University Centre’s Public Services courses.


Public Services Work Experience