College sports students host sports tournament for local primary school
Wednesday, 27 April, 2016

Level 3 sports science students at Solihull College & University Centre organised a sports tournament recently as part of their work experience.

The students planned a sports tournament for 60 nine and ten year olds from Greswold Primary School. The primary students were divided into groups, formed of countries from around the world, to take part in a mini Olympics tournament which involved a variety of activities including relay races and rounder’s tournaments.

The students competed throughout the day and the winning team was announced before Greswold School made their way home.

College students Kennesha and Abbie commented: “We thoroughly enjoyed working with the children from Greswold. We developed our leadership and communication skills with young children and our peers as we had to work as a team.

“The children were enthusiastic and this made the event very rewarding and made all the hard work and planning worthwhile.”

Students have to complete 30 hours of work experience whilst studying at Solihull College & University Centre and events such as this help students to achieve this and gain relevant experience within their field.

Emma Harcourt, Sports Coordinator at Solihull College & University Centre added: “Our students organised and ran a great event for Greswold Primary school. They learned that the organisation and planning are just as important as the event itself. We are grateful to Greswold primary school for this excellent work experience opportunity and we hope to continue supporting and working with local primary schools in the future.”

For more information on the courses available at Solihull College & University Centre visit the courses page or call 0121 678 7000.

Sport students