Solihull joint venture provides students with real business experience!
Friday, 5 February, 2016

Solihull Chamber of Commerce and Solihull College & University Centre have joined forces to provide Solihull business networking group, Solihullhour with a new website.

Solihull College computing students, Jacob Ross and Cameron Sidebotham have been given the opportunity to work on a ‘live’ project – creating a brand new business website for Solihullhour.

Solihull College Computing Lecturer, Fahwad Mahmood commented, “This is an excellent opportunity for a local business to work in collaboration with the college and our students to give them the experience of working on a real ‘live’ project”.

23-year-old Jessie Hancox Founder of Solihullhour and Director of Jurnie, Children’s Wear and Gifts on High Street, Solihull said, “’When I founded Solihullhour back at the beginning of 2013, I wanted to help bring businesses together in our local community, in order to support each other. With the help of my Mum and fellow Jurnie Director, Trish Willetts and local businesswoman, Nikki Radvanyi, this has proven very successful. Now, I am thrilled that we have been able to go one step further and help Solihull College students to gain work experience, which could prove invaluable when they come to look for a job or a university.”

Jessie, who only completed her Business degree at Lincoln University in 2014 while starting up her Solihull business, understands how important it is for students to have experience in the business environment and to begin to make vital connections for the future.

Solihull Chamber Operations Director added, “Solihull Chamber is delighted to be working with Solihull College to connect their students to our members on work experience projects.  The Solihullhour website is a classic example of the work the students are doing for local businesses”

Student Jacob added, “This is a great opportunity for us. It is giving me experience and something real to add to my CV”.

Computing students work experience